Saturday, April 11, 2009


There are probably a million things I would change about this- my computer is being super slow. So this is as far as I got without driving myself crazy :) I love this song and thought about it when I saw the Willow Tree angel sitting in my mom's "pretties" hutch. I took her out and held her to the sky- and there you go! There are a million different backgrounds that I did and a million different ways the angel is in every photo I took. AND you could put any name, quote, song, saying, etc that you please- Let me know if you'd like one to frame! I think they'd make pretty awesome cards or gifts!

This one is similar, just didn't have much room to write anything.

1 comment:

BAGVLI said...

Oh boy - I see that you added some more. They are all so beautiful. How do you come up with these things?! You are amazing and an inspiration to me! Thanks for sharing your beauty - inside and out! God bless you - and Happy Easter! I love you.