Friday, April 17, 2009


I have found (as others also have noticed) that I don't do a whole lot of blogging during the week and then once the weekend comes, I have like 5 posts in about a day. Yes, I realize that's super annoying :) I never get a chance to go out and take pictures during the week the way I'd like to. So by the weekend, I go picture crazy. I'll get better at pacing myself :)

I did a trial consult for a good friend/bride to be last night- she is going to be one BEAUTIFUL bride! I'll for sure take pics that day! I also highlighted and cut another good friend/bride to be last night. Life is so busy but it's busy with things that I'm passionate about- I wouldn't change a thing!

And just as another reminder- DOWNHERE and ALL NEW CREATION will be in concert this Sunday at 7pm! We are having a potluck/meet the band time after the second church service and before the actual concert- come hang out with all of us! It is sure to be an awesome day!!!

1 comment:

BAGVLI said...

You can blog however you want! I was just saying I missed seeing something from you. It's actually the opposite for me - I have more time during the week, after I get the kids in bed and I'm just watching TV.

Have a great weekend!!! Love you!