Saturday, April 25, 2009


Can you stand it? I can't. She was so happy and so alert.
ps- does anyone know why I get grainy pictures whenever I use my zoom lens? Kind of drives me nuts! Any suggestions, please comment...


BAGVLI said...

What a pretty little babe! To whom does she belong?

Suzanne Thompson said...

This is Kate and Steven's friend's baby. They all went to high school together. Her sister is the little girl in the pink shirt (above post). And her mom is to the left of Kate in all of the pics. She's so beautiful!! I just wish the photos weren't grainy :/

Christen said...

I love that my baby made it on your blog :c)

Katie said...

Hi! I am Jen Flavin's sister, I found your blog through her! You might want to check your ISO on your pics - that can add "noise" to your pictures. I'm a wanna-be photographer too. I love your Hebrews verse and photo - awesome!