Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I'm in love with laughing.

I love the feeling in my stomach. I love the feeling in my face.

I love the sound.

I love listening to others laugh. Especially kids and babies.

I love how I can make others laugh and I adore anyone who can make me laugh. Really laugh out loud. Laugh hard.

This picture describes all of those things I love about laughing.... I can hear it and I can feel it- and I LOVE that.

And speaking of things that make me laugh......... I think this photo is priceless.

And I love it.

Take time to laugh today!


BAGVLI said...

I agree - laughing is the BEST!

Thanks for loving our kids so much! They adore you, and so do I! I adore all the pics, too. They are priceless!!!

So - how many pics did you take last Saturday? 1,000? My girls certainly are monopolizing the blog lately, but I'm not complaining! I love to see the pics!

Happy Thursday!

Suzanne Thompson said...

Yup about 1000.... but there are a lot of ones that were just for fun. Mostly just Violet and I before Gloria's recital :) aka the second photo in this post... I'm obsessed with them. They make me smile.

The girls are all over my blog because I love so many of the photos... and they are all over my office in black and white. Warms my heart AND my office walls :)