Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Family Pups

I thought I'd add some more dog pictures that are from the last few months. All of them are a part of my family in one way or another. They are all special and unique- some old, some young; some wise, some "not" so wise; some white, some brown, some black, some all three; some tall, some short; some big, some small- yet all bring joy and a sense of peace to our lives. (Not pictured: Basil, Olivia, Koda, Lucy, Bella, Buddy, Shiloh, Cooper, and Coda)

Spencer- Marlon's family dog

Hemi- Steven and Kate's dogDozer- Steven and Kate's dog
Miss Emma- Mom and Dad's dog

Layla- David's dog (I haven't really had a chance to get any photos of her- this is through a window but I still like it just the same)

Scooter- Lauren and Andy's dog (cousin)

More favorites of Miss Chloe Jean- Marlon and My dog (child)

If you ask her to look @ you, she will do the opposite. I think she gets sick of pictures :)


BAGVLI said...

Very sweet - now you need some pics of Basil and Olivia and Lucy and Bella! :) - and Kota... and Cooper... and Coda (Jennifer's new dog)... oh - and Shiloh! Good grief, we do have a lot of dogs in our family, don't we? - and my dad's dog, Buddy! :)

Suzanne Thompson said...

SO many dogs! I love it though. They just make the world a happier place :) Now I just have to find a way to get down to Oklahoma- and I'll have to bring my camera to more family gatherings!