Monday, June 29, 2009

Joel and Megan "Johnson-to-be"!

I went to high school with Megan- good friends, went pretty much everywhere together (including getting lost to almost every away football game.... literally), spring breaks together, countless numbers of pictures together, and were on the Burnsville Blazettes together. Although we have lost touch over the years, it's fun to catch up and share stories, experiences, and memories- old and new.

Megan and Joel got engaged in Mexico not too long ago. SO excited for them to start a new journey together. It is no secret that they are passionately in love. It's one of those "loves" that one dreams about. I told Joel, "you got a good one"..... which he then replied, "I got the best!" So true and so awesome to witness.

Not only are they madly in love, humble, stunning, nice, genuine, well dressed, honest, blessed, beautiful people..... they are so passionate about their faith in Jesus Christ. When that is put first, there is no way a relationship of any kind can be anything but amazing. They are truly blessed for very obvious reasons!

I believe the Lord brings people into your life, or re-connects old friends for a reason- at the right time- for a purpose. Excited to see what He has in store!

We were sitting at Lindsey and David's wedding reception Saturday night and they asked if I'd take a few pictures as the sun was setting...... ummmm helloooo yea!! I took a few more but forgot to email them to myself- might add some more when I get home.
They are getting married next July.... I probably won't have my camera out like I usually do because I will be in such aw of the greatest, best, most perfect photographer/editor in the entire world (in my personal opinion)- the famous Spencer Combs!!! I am quite inspired by what he can do with a camera and get a lot of my ideas from his work. Excited to see him in action!

May the Lord continue to bless your life as you start a new and exciting lifelong journey!

1 comment:

BAGVLI said...

SO cute!!! Can't wait to see the rest! :)