Monday, June 1, 2009

Couldn't be a more beautiful YOU

The first time I had ever heard this song (which was only about a week ago) in my car, I got goose bump after goose bump and balled my eyes out.

Then the song was over- and I balled my eyes out some more.

It pretty much sums up every stage I went through and where I am now.... I finally started getting rid of all the garbage the world was throwing at me (and still does) and finally put Jesus is in the center of me - and He tells me there couldn't be a more beautiful me. I love that.

I plan to do something with this later on when I have more time. But for now, just soak up the amazingness of the song and it's words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did that too. Its life changing. Hi, I'm Jenifer. saw that you have some of my same interests. I am an Herbalist, wife of one,mother of 7, lover of God! I am needing some help getting out the word about my web site and blog page since I work from home and raise 7 children I chose to try doing it through Blogspot. If you can help by linking to my pages or copy and pasting some of my articles that you like I would greatly appreciate it. God Bless! Thanks! and/or