Friday, September 4, 2009

Dani's Senior Session!

A Cottage Grove Senior! I was welcomed into their home to take Dani's photos... we went to different locations and she and her mom were great! I had a lot of fun. Always fun to find new places to photograph, too! This is just a few (literally just a few) of my personal favorites... enjoy!

If I have time, I'm sure I'll do my usual and add as I go... blessings to you Dani as you start your Senior year next week!


BAGVLI said...

Very cute! What a beautiful smile! Great shots, Suz!

Terri and Dani said...

These are beautiful! Dani and I love them!! Thank you for sharing your talent with us. We look forward to seeing all the pictures. We are so blessed to have been introduced to you by Jenny O.

Nicole said...

Great pics.. as always ! I like the one by the water.